The amount of product you need is dependent on the project you are tackling. You can find a recommendation for depth on the product’s information page. Take measurements of your project space and then utilize the materials calculator tab to help determine how much you need for your project. We sell our products by the cubic yard or half cubic yard. Some larger items, such as the rip rap or the field stone are not as easy to calculate.
The type of sand you need for your project is determined by the project you are completing. Check out the information page for our sands to see which common usage is most closely associated with your project. If you are still stuck, give us a call during business hours and we will try to assist you better.
The type of rock you need is determined by the project you are tackling. Check out the information page for our rocks to see which common usage is most closely associated with your project. If you still need assistance, give us a call during business hours and we will try to get you the answers you need. We offer various types of rock from gravel to decorative rocks, such as river rock.
The type of mulch you need for your project is determined by the project you are completing. Though personal preference does come into play, there are some considerations when choosing a mulch. Hardwood mulch stays in place better than pine bark mulches or dyed mulches, so if your area experiences high water flow or a slope you may want a hardwood. The pine bark mulch is more acidic and good for acid loving plants, so you need to consider which plants you have. Dyed mulches retain their color for approximately one year, though they cost more than our other mulches. If you have a playground area you should consider one of our certified playground mulches. Check out the information page for our mulches to see which common usage is most closely associated with your project. If you still need assistance, give us a call during business hours and we will try to get you the answers you need.
We offer a variety of soils and custom mixes each with a specific use based on its qualities. Take a look at our soil & custom mix page to see what products we offer and how they are typically used. If you need further assistance, please give us a call during business hours and we will help you get the answers you need.
Yes, you can! All of our products are available for pick up from our sales yard. We can load our loose materials into an open bed truck or trailer. We sell our products by the yard or half yard. Our loader buckets are calibrated for 1, 2 or 3 yards depending on the bucket size. We do not sell by the “scoop” due to the variation in amount.
Sure! We offer delivery to the Durham, North Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Wake Forest, and Creedmoor areas. Delivery fees are based on the size of the truck and the distance it is delivered.
Delivery is available for amounts of 3 yards or greater. Check out our delivery page for more specific information regarding delivery. Give us a call at 919-596-0801 during business hours to schedule your delivery. We cannot guarantee immediate delivery due to request volume.
We are not able to offer free delivery on any product or amount. The cost of delivery is based on the amount of the product and the distance to be delivered. Why does the price increase when I order more yards? The price of delivery will increase if the amount you order must be delivered on a larger truck. Each of our trucks are rated for specific weight limits, which means they are restricted to how many yards they can carry safely. If you know the product you want, the amount you need and the area to be delivered we can give you a delivery estimate over the phone during business hours.
No, we do not offer delivery on the weekends. Our sales yard is open for pick up on Saturday from 8am-3pm.
All of our trucks have raised dump beds. When the dump bed rises, all of the materials slide out. If you purchase two different items, such as mulch and soil, they will mix as they slide out. Despite many attempts throughout the years, we have not found a way to dump products out without mixing them. We highly recommend scheduling two different deliveries for your products to ensure their quality and ability to be used.